Brews with Broads

Fortifying the Path with Sarah Perez

Episode Summary

Hannah sits down with Sarah Perez of Maui Brewing Company and Lifting Lucy. They both kept it NA on this round, Sarah with a refreshing Aloha Made Guava Nectar and Hannah with an Untitled Art NA S'mores Dark Brew.

Episode Notes

Keep up with Sarah (and live vicariously through her life on gorgeous Maui) on instagram @TheBeerNerdess

 Learn more about Lifting Lucy, the organization that Sarah Co-Founded  that supports Black, Indigenous, and other Women of Color in beer industry events and educational opportunities, here on their website  or on their Instagram !

The collaboration between Lifting Lucy, Resident Culture, Burial and Salud is premiering at Asheville Beer Week May 27th-June 5th. I'll keep y'all posted on my instagram when I learn more details, but check out the Asheville Beer Week Website in the meantime.

You can learn more about Maui Brewing Co.'s International Women's Day Beer, FIERCE, here.

Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop