Brews with Broads

Getting Uncomfortable with Alex Nowell

Episode Summary

Hannah was joined bright and early a few weeks back by Alex Nowell, co-founder of Three Weavers Brewing turned freelance beer superstar. They both enjoyed nice *strong* cups of coffee, Hannah with a LaColombe Triple Shot and Alex with a home brewed mug o' joe

Episode Notes

Since Alex and I spoke, the Supreme Court officially overturned Roe v. Wade, which stripped away the right to have a legal abortion. I believe that abortion is healthcare and that any person who can become pregnant has the right to make their own decisions about their body. For more information on how to get help or how to get involved, visit

Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop 

Don't forget to follow @BrewswithBroads on Instagram and TikTok