Brews with Broads

Reaching for your Highest Goal with Michele Wonder and Melissa McCann

Episode Summary

Hannah sits down with Melissa McCann and Michele Wonder, wearers of many hats, including Co-Founders of The Women's International Beer Summit. Melissa cracked Summer Life, a Barleywine from Urban Roots, Michele popped Barrel Aged Saison No. 4 from pFriem Family Brewers, and Hannah sipped on a Sap Haus, a Smoked Dark Lager from Oxbow Brewing Co.

Episode Notes

UPDATE: I've removed a section of our interview where the murder of George Floyd is brought up out context, in a manner that minimizes and mischaracterizes the event. I deeply apologize to anyone who was hurt by this comment and have removed it so as not to cause any further pain. I am here to learn and grow and my DMs and email (Brewswithbroads[at]gmail[dot] com) are always open.


The Women's International Beer Summit is HAPPENING Y'ALL- April 23-24. Learn more about the summit and get your tickets at ...and listen all the way to the end of the episode to find out how to win a free ticket for yourself- available to TWO lucky listeners!

Interested in hosting a watch part party? Sign up here!

Did you miss last year's summit? You can watch all of last year's panels on The Women's Craft Fermentation Alliance YouTube channel.

And of course, follow the Women's International Beer Summit on Instagram to get updates and to get in on some of those SWEET SWEET giveaways 

Check out Michele's website and blog, and learn more about the SheBrew Home Competition here!

Michele shouted out The Beer Ladies Podcast, so we gotta hit you with that link!

Melissa mentioned The Bountiful Bag.. and I mean come ON! Can you believe how cool their stuff is?!

Groovy music by Megan Bagala, and art by Sabrina Rain at The Hoppiest Shop